Does it ever end? I'm usually pretty good about staying active all day. I've always got up in the mornings rather cheerfully and stayed up late doing homework. However, now-a-days all I want to do is sleep, and I never have time! I wake up every morning around, or before, 7. Then I head to school, nearly falling asleep while driving. After school I work until around 8, and by the time I get home, I have two hours of homework to do.
I'm slacking in school because I never feel like doing homework. I have about ten deadlines hovering over my head, but guess what? They will hover over my head until the day before they are due. I'm not about to stay up late doing work that isn't due yet. I'm not that motivated. I've got a bad case of senior-I just don't care--itis. It's going around like swine flu, so beware.
PEOPLE, give me a break! I'm so absolutely, incredibly tired. I know, I know. It'll supposedly be worse when the baby gets here. But, the baby isn't here yet, so let me sleep! I need just one day to sleep all day, no work, no school, no household chores.
That brings up another thing, doesn't someone feel compelled to come clean my house for me? I never have time! My hubby's doing a good job at cooking supper every night, but he definitely doesn't do the dishes too. Any takers? I'm kidding. No really, if you feel compelled, I'll let you borrow my key.
I say I'm going to bed now, but I know I won't. Here's to hoping I won't snap on someone tomorrow--Peace and Love--CD

Pregnancies are the biggest things to happen in most women's lives, so they need to be documented right? The purpose of this blog is to keep track of my emotions, struggles, and anything else during my pregnancy of my first child. This blog starts before the pregnancy is confirmed and will end, well, I'm not so sure about that. But anyways, I plan to document everything I can.
Now that Gracee is born, I intend to document anything and everything I feel I need to discuss. So don't continue on if poopie diapers make you cringe because I'm sure a good many will be discussed!
Thanks for reading my utterly disastrous blog. Hopefully I'll get better about writing often, but don't count on it.
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