I know, I know. I've neglected the blog for the past week or so. I'm sorry, but college is taking a beating on this soon-to-be-Mommy. But anywho, I'm back at it.
I believe I am experiencing food depression or something. Everything I think I want, I can't eat. For instance, last night I came home from work and cooked black-eyed peas, bbq chicken, corn on the cob, and corn muffins. I was so excited to eat because I hadn't eaten much for lunch. My husband and I sit down to eat, and I suddenly hate everything I have cooked. I try some peas, which my husband said were delicious, and they tasted like pure poopoo. Next, I take a bite of my chicken, which also tasted like crap. By the time I made it to try the corn, I was so sick on my stomach. I couldn't eat any of the meal I had just slaved over. UGH! I was so frustrated! I was hungry but couldn't eat. I had to go lie down in bed to get my naseousness to go away. All I seem to be able to eat the past two days is fruit. I know fruit is good for me, but by-goodness I want some real food! At this rate, I'll lose weight instead of gain it. I think maybe my sister should cook me some tater-and-weenie soup. Don't ask; it'll blow you away. Peace and Love

Pregnancies are the biggest things to happen in most women's lives, so they need to be documented right? The purpose of this blog is to keep track of my emotions, struggles, and anything else during my pregnancy of my first child. This blog starts before the pregnancy is confirmed and will end, well, I'm not so sure about that. But anyways, I plan to document everything I can.
Now that Gracee is born, I intend to document anything and everything I feel I need to discuss. So don't continue on if poopie diapers make you cringe because I'm sure a good many will be discussed!
Thanks for reading my utterly disastrous blog. Hopefully I'll get better about writing often, but don't count on it.
Again. Put some Banana Pepper juice on your peas....that is exactly what I did when I was preggers.....seems like the food didn't have a taste until that was done! Hopefully this will be the worst of your preggie blues! Love You Lots!