Does it ever end? I'm usually pretty good about staying active all day. I've always got up in the mornings rather cheerfully and stayed up late doing homework. However, now-a-days all I want to do is sleep, and I never have time! I wake up every morning around, or before, 7. Then I head to school, nearly falling asleep while driving. After school I work until around 8, and by the time I get home, I have two hours of homework to do.
I'm slacking in school because I never feel like doing homework. I have about ten deadlines hovering over my head, but guess what? They will hover over my head until the day before they are due. I'm not about to stay up late doing work that isn't due yet. I'm not that motivated. I've got a bad case of senior-I just don't care--itis. It's going around like swine flu, so beware.
PEOPLE, give me a break! I'm so absolutely, incredibly tired. I know, I know. It'll supposedly be worse when the baby gets here. But, the baby isn't here yet, so let me sleep! I need just one day to sleep all day, no work, no school, no household chores.
That brings up another thing, doesn't someone feel compelled to come clean my house for me? I never have time! My hubby's doing a good job at cooking supper every night, but he definitely doesn't do the dishes too. Any takers? I'm kidding. No really, if you feel compelled, I'll let you borrow my key.
I say I'm going to bed now, but I know I won't. Here's to hoping I won't snap on someone tomorrow--Peace and Love--CD

Pregnancies are the biggest things to happen in most women's lives, so they need to be documented right? The purpose of this blog is to keep track of my emotions, struggles, and anything else during my pregnancy of my first child. This blog starts before the pregnancy is confirmed and will end, well, I'm not so sure about that. But anyways, I plan to document everything I can.
Now that Gracee is born, I intend to document anything and everything I feel I need to discuss. So don't continue on if poopie diapers make you cringe because I'm sure a good many will be discussed!
Thanks for reading my utterly disastrous blog. Hopefully I'll get better about writing often, but don't count on it.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Is There Such a Thing as the Food Blues?
I know, I know. I've neglected the blog for the past week or so. I'm sorry, but college is taking a beating on this soon-to-be-Mommy. But anywho, I'm back at it.
I believe I am experiencing food depression or something. Everything I think I want, I can't eat. For instance, last night I came home from work and cooked black-eyed peas, bbq chicken, corn on the cob, and corn muffins. I was so excited to eat because I hadn't eaten much for lunch. My husband and I sit down to eat, and I suddenly hate everything I have cooked. I try some peas, which my husband said were delicious, and they tasted like pure poopoo. Next, I take a bite of my chicken, which also tasted like crap. By the time I made it to try the corn, I was so sick on my stomach. I couldn't eat any of the meal I had just slaved over. UGH! I was so frustrated! I was hungry but couldn't eat. I had to go lie down in bed to get my naseousness to go away. All I seem to be able to eat the past two days is fruit. I know fruit is good for me, but by-goodness I want some real food! At this rate, I'll lose weight instead of gain it. I think maybe my sister should cook me some tater-and-weenie soup. Don't ask; it'll blow you away. Peace and Love
I believe I am experiencing food depression or something. Everything I think I want, I can't eat. For instance, last night I came home from work and cooked black-eyed peas, bbq chicken, corn on the cob, and corn muffins. I was so excited to eat because I hadn't eaten much for lunch. My husband and I sit down to eat, and I suddenly hate everything I have cooked. I try some peas, which my husband said were delicious, and they tasted like pure poopoo. Next, I take a bite of my chicken, which also tasted like crap. By the time I made it to try the corn, I was so sick on my stomach. I couldn't eat any of the meal I had just slaved over. UGH! I was so frustrated! I was hungry but couldn't eat. I had to go lie down in bed to get my naseousness to go away. All I seem to be able to eat the past two days is fruit. I know fruit is good for me, but by-goodness I want some real food! At this rate, I'll lose weight instead of gain it. I think maybe my sister should cook me some tater-and-weenie soup. Don't ask; it'll blow you away. Peace and Love
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
You Mean You're Going to Wipe Baby Poop Out of Diapers?
To answer the question, no, I won't wipe. I'll rinse.
Apparently I must be insane. I've been doing some diaper research, early I know. Did you know that by the time my baby is potty-trained I will have spent over $3,000 dollars on disposable diapers? With cloth diapers, however, I'll spend probably a fifth of that. Another plus is that they won't pile up in landfills for years to come. When people think about cloth diapers, they think about thin cloth diapers held up by safety pins. That's not how it is anymore people! These days, they have all different types and kinds of cloth diapers. Here are a few examples:
I think they're pretty cool! You rinse them out in the toilet and then wash them like you would anything else. Of course, when the baby is at a babysitters or someone that wouldn't want to deal with the cloth diapers, I could always buy some backup regular disposable diapers. Since I'm know I'm going to get a lot of negativeity about this, I'm going to make a pros and cons list.
good for the Earth,
very healthy for the baby because they prevent a lot of cases of diaper rash,
cheaper in the long run
more comfortable for the baby
messy cleanup
more money upfront
So...if you ask me, disposable diapers aren't as good as they seem. I may change my mind in the long run and when the baby gets here, but for now, I think i want to try cloth diapers. Hey, if I don't like them, I can always go back to disposable ones right? Peace & Love CD
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Babies Exit From the Belly Button Right?
Sunday I decided to break the news to my Kindergarden niece that I was having a baby. This is how it went:
Me: Josey, Kaykay is going to be a mommy. Do you know what that means?
Josey: Duh Kaykay, you have a baby in your belly.
Me: (Shocked) How did you know that?
Josey: Because I know that babies come from your belly.
Anyways, after she asked a few questions about what the baby would be to her (her cousin of course) she went about her business riding her pink scooter down my mother's halls. A few minutes later she crawls onto the arm of the couch beside me and whispers, "Kaykay, how is that baby going to come out of your belly?"---OH, LORD! How in the world am I supposed to answer this question. I did the best thing I knew to do--directed her to her nana. Mama, of course, just looks at her then decides ignoring her would be best. When Josey came back to get an answer from me, I tried to ignore her too. But that doesn't work very well with Miss Josey. She repeated the question twenty times, and finally I decided to answer her. I mean really...she has to know someday. This was my response:
Me:Josey, babies come out of their mommy's belly button.
Josey: OH! I always wondered what that thing was for! But, why do boys have them too?
Well well well, there that is. Since I knew she had caught me, I decided to leave. I wonder if my mama or if her mama ever gave her the right answer? Next thing she'll be asking how the baby got into my belly. I better start thinking about this early. Let's hope she doesn't ask until she's about 13---No, 30. Yes, 30 will be the perfect age to discuss sex with my sweet little niece.
Anywho, I'm going to go try to find pickles on campus. Peace & Love--CD
Me: Josey, Kaykay is going to be a mommy. Do you know what that means?
Josey: Duh Kaykay, you have a baby in your belly.
Me: (Shocked) How did you know that?
Josey: Because I know that babies come from your belly.
Anyways, after she asked a few questions about what the baby would be to her (her cousin of course) she went about her business riding her pink scooter down my mother's halls. A few minutes later she crawls onto the arm of the couch beside me and whispers, "Kaykay, how is that baby going to come out of your belly?"---OH, LORD! How in the world am I supposed to answer this question. I did the best thing I knew to do--directed her to her nana. Mama, of course, just looks at her then decides ignoring her would be best. When Josey came back to get an answer from me, I tried to ignore her too. But that doesn't work very well with Miss Josey. She repeated the question twenty times, and finally I decided to answer her. I mean really...she has to know someday. This was my response:
Me:Josey, babies come out of their mommy's belly button.
Josey: OH! I always wondered what that thing was for! But, why do boys have them too?
Well well well, there that is. Since I knew she had caught me, I decided to leave. I wonder if my mama or if her mama ever gave her the right answer? Next thing she'll be asking how the baby got into my belly. I better start thinking about this early. Let's hope she doesn't ask until she's about 13---No, 30. Yes, 30 will be the perfect age to discuss sex with my sweet little niece.
Anywho, I'm going to go try to find pickles on campus. Peace & Love--CD
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Rush of Emotions & Pickles
Now I know why I've been bursting out in tears for no good reason the past couple of weeks. The smallest things would send me in a whirlwind, and it only seems to be getting worse. Last night my husband told me I had to get up at 5:30 to go fishing; I was so upset I started crying. I basically cried myself to sleep thinking, "I don't want to get up that early." Ridiculous, I know, but I just could not stop myself. The thought of missing sleep made me cry; am I that pathetic or are the hormones causing it?
AND, I'm already craving foods. I thought cravings happened later in pregnancies, but I now realize---after tons of internet research--that cravings happen pretty early. What am I craving, you ask? One morning before I found out I was pregnant, I woke up craving a pickled egg. For some reason I just had to have one. That should have made me realize I was pregnant. But it wasn't until the night I took the first two pregnancy tests that I actually thought to myself, "This is really weird; Am I pregnant?" I actually squeezed pickle juice onto the baked porkchop I was eating.---Yes, I went into the refridgerator specifically for a pickle to eat with my porkchop. I've always loved pickles, but that's taking it to an extreme. I've always drank from the jar here and there, but these days I chug it. Literally, I drink and drink and drink pickle juice. As a matter of fact, I just sent my husband to the store for pickles. On top of that, I feel the need to drink tons of water. But that could be from eating so many pickles.
Another new issue is being tired. I'm so tired all the time. Just the thought of moving makes my skin churn. I guess that's normal; I don't know. The only thing that gets me going is the idea of cold pickles and water in the fridge.....what's my life coming to?...Ha.
Anyways, I guess I'll be post again when I feel the need to complain about everything in my life. Peace & Love
AND, I'm already craving foods. I thought cravings happened later in pregnancies, but I now realize---after tons of internet research--that cravings happen pretty early. What am I craving, you ask? One morning before I found out I was pregnant, I woke up craving a pickled egg. For some reason I just had to have one. That should have made me realize I was pregnant. But it wasn't until the night I took the first two pregnancy tests that I actually thought to myself, "This is really weird; Am I pregnant?" I actually squeezed pickle juice onto the baked porkchop I was eating.---Yes, I went into the refridgerator specifically for a pickle to eat with my porkchop. I've always loved pickles, but that's taking it to an extreme. I've always drank from the jar here and there, but these days I chug it. Literally, I drink and drink and drink pickle juice. As a matter of fact, I just sent my husband to the store for pickles. On top of that, I feel the need to drink tons of water. But that could be from eating so many pickles.
Another new issue is being tired. I'm so tired all the time. Just the thought of moving makes my skin churn. I guess that's normal; I don't know. The only thing that gets me going is the idea of cold pickles and water in the fridge.....what's my life coming to?...Ha.
Anyways, I guess I'll be post again when I feel the need to complain about everything in my life. Peace & Love
Saturday, March 19, 2011
March 19th, 2011
So I woke up Friday morning (yesterday) and went straight to the store to buy a few more pregnancy tests.
I peed in a cup twice, and both came out positive. So, I figured the whole batch of tests must be wrong. I, then, turned to my fifty-ish year old mother and made her pee in a cup, which she willingly did. Needless to say, hers proved my four were right. I went to the doctor, and they gave me a pregnancy test too--positive. I'm 7 weeks pregnant today! My husband and I are so excited; we can't wait to be parents. I know it's going to be a tough road, but it's a road I'm willing to take. I told my dad, and he was suprisingly happy about it. Whew. I just knew he'd be upset with me because I'm not graduated from college yet, but in May I will be! I'll barely be four months pregnant when I graduate, so that's not too bad. Plus, I'm 21 and married. Why shouldn't I have a baby? Anywho, this new mother-to-be is extremely tired, so adios amigos!
P.s. I plan to use this blog as a way to document my experiences being a pregant woman. So if you don't want to hear about me being naseous or gassy, don't bother to keep reading:).... Peace & Love--CD
Thursday, March 17, 2011
March 17th, 2011-Two Positive Tests
This is my first blog ever, so excuse me if my blogging manners are bad. I started this because I feel the need to scream at the top of my lungs: I MIGHT BE PREGNANT! My last period was 46 days ago, so I decided to take a test. When that one was positive, I took another. Both came back positive.....ahhhh. I don't feel pregnant---no sickness or anything. I'm just not sure. I plan to go to a doctor tomorrow to get a confirmation, but I am nervous as all get out. What if I'm not? I've gotten my hopes up. So for now, I must wait, which I am not very good at. I'm a very impatient person. I guess I'll update tomorrow, after I find out. Wish me luck!
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