Yes, yes. I know. I'm a total slacker and haven't updated my blog in forever. How horrible right? Well, by posting a ridicously long blog, I hope to make up for it. In order to get everyone up to speed on what's going on, I'm starting with an outline. This outline will help me, as well as readers, keep up with everything that's happened.
I. First Sonogram Appointment
A. Sonogram
B. Gluclose Testing
II. Gender Sonogram Appointment
B. Little Bitty
III. Sonogram Appointment #3
A. Spots & Shadows
IV. Dr. Boddy Appointment
As you can see, this outline basically consists of doctors visits. The reason being is that when pregnant, life seems to revolve around doctors appointments. Of course there's a ton of other stuff that I want to mention, so I'll try to fit that in too.
To start it off is my first sonogram appointment, which I believe is basically used to make sure there's a bun in the oven. There could be other reasons, but none of those were made evident to me. Anywho, it was so exciting to see my little egglet in there and to hear her heart beating. (By the way, I've always heard that the gel was super cold. However, I was pleasantly suprised to get warm gel, which actually felt good). Suprisingly, I didn't cry as I had expected. I figured I would start crying when I saw her, but I didn't. I held it together like a big girl.
At that same appointment I had to take a one hour glucose test. Most women I have talked to that uses/used Southern OBGYN didn't have to take their glucose test until around 26-28 weeks. I don't know why she went ahead and tested me early, which worried me at first. A couple of days later, my midwife called to schedule a 3-hour glucose testing because my results came back kind of high I guess. My 3-grueling-hour long test, which did I mention was completely horrible, came back perfectly fine:)
At my next big appointment, the awaited gender-sonogram, I was so anxious! I felt like my insides were trying to beat their way out of my belly. While I laid there biting nails and pulling my hair out, Punkin looked perfectly content. It's just like a man to not be super excited to be finding out what the baby is. I thought it was going to be a boy honestly; alot of people had told me that. Punkin swore up and down that it was a girl though. I guess I suck at guessing because he was right. On that screen was an adorable little girl.
I had been hoping for a boy, mostly for Punkin. His dad passed away in May, when I was about 15 or 16 weeks pregnant, and it was pretty hard on him. I figured having a little boy would make him excited about hunting, fishing, etc. with him. Even though I thought Punkin wouldn't be excited that it was a little girl, he was. Just because the baby is a she doesn't mean she won't have her butt in those woods just like her daddy. She'll have it bad because I'm just about as bad as Punkin when it comes to deer hunting. So needless to say she'll be sporting camo pretty early in life. Actually, she already has about 4 full camo outfits, bows and all.
At that same appointment, my midwife pulled us in her office to tell us that the baby was abnormally small. My due date was correct, she was just a small baby. Her head circumference and her femur length worried my midwife a bit, so she scheduled us for another sonogram four weeks later to chart her growth in a month. At my doctor's office, they only do three sonograms the entire time you're pregnant, so her having me come in for another made me super worried. For four straight weeks I almost went crazy wondering if something was wrong with my little angel. I was worried anyways because I was 22 weeks and not feeling her at all.
At the third sonogram appointment, the tech who did the sonogram told me she had more than doubled her weight, which was good, but she was still small. After the sonogram, my midwife again pulled us in her office to tell us that the tech saw what she thought could be air or fluid in the baby's belly and chest. Oh my lord, I freaked out and immediately started crying. Punkin and my midwife tried to calm me down, but I was hysterical. I didn't want anything to be wrong with my baby. I never knew I could love someone I've never seen before, but this little booger has surely won me over. To think I could lose her tore me apart. My midwife scheduled me to go see Dr. Boddy in Macon to see what it was in the baby's belly.
What scared me the most was that I hadn't felt her yet. I was 24 weeks and not feeling even the littlest flutters. The day I turned 24 weeks, Punkin and I had lost one of our beagles in the woods while running dogs. We spent the entire day looking for her. That night, I was sitting in the truck in the pitch black dark while Punkin was standing outside the truck listening for the dog when I felt my tummy rumble, or so I thought. At first I thought I was hungry, but it kept on. After about the third jab, I realized what was going on. I got so excited! I knew it was the baby. I screamed for Punkin to come feel, but he couldn't feel what I was feeling yet. I must have been overlooking the flutters that people say you'll feel because when I started feeling her, it was little jabs. There wasn't any fluttering about that.
Finally feeling her kicking and rolling in my belly made me feel better about my doctors appointment with Dr. Boddy. We went all the way up there, and all was well. Dr. Boddy couldn't find a thing wrong with her. He even said she was a very good size. Needless to say, my shopping at BassPro went pretty well considering my good mood. He did say that she had a tiny bit of urine backed up into her kidneys, but that it was fairly common, and she would more than likely outgrow it before she's born. I'm supposed to go back in October right before I have her to make sure it hasn't gotten worse.
So that's where my baby and I are as far as doctors visits go. Now for the fill in on little information.
We've picked out a name: NoraGrace Ann Daniel. But we're going to call her Gracee:) Nora is his mother's first name, and Ann has been in my family for a little while. Grace has always been a favorite name of mine.
I also picked out a theme for her room: bees! I used bees for my wedding, and I know having her nursery in bees seems like I'm addicted to bee decor. But when I saw that cute bee bedding online, I couldn't resist. At least I'll be able to use a bunch of my wedding stuff for decorations in the baby room. Yay for money saved! The bedding has yellow, green, brown, and white. It sounds like a lot, but its cute!
I ordered her bedding yesterday, which included her crib, dresser, and changing table. Punkin and I put it all together yesterday, but by the time we got done, it was too late to decorate and put everything together. When I get home from work and get supper cooked though, I'll have it all pretty. I can't wait! I'm so excited everything is coming together like I want.
Now I'm 26 weeks, and growing. I don't know how much weight I've gained. Two weeks ago I was still 2 lbs less than I was at my first visit. I lost about 15 lbs before I started gaining, so I'm not mad to have my baby belly showing good:)
And, this past Sunday, Punkin finally felt her kick! Usually she stops kicking about the time he'd lay his hand on my belly. But now he sneak attacks her and does it really fast so he'll feel her. It's like she's already playing peek-a-boo with daddy:)
So I know most have given up on me and stopped reading, but thats okay:) At least I have it updated, and I'll try to keep it up from now on!

Pregnancies are the biggest things to happen in most women's lives, so they need to be documented right? The purpose of this blog is to keep track of my emotions, struggles, and anything else during my pregnancy of my first child. This blog starts before the pregnancy is confirmed and will end, well, I'm not so sure about that. But anyways, I plan to document everything I can.
Now that Gracee is born, I intend to document anything and everything I feel I need to discuss. So don't continue on if poopie diapers make you cringe because I'm sure a good many will be discussed!
Thanks for reading my utterly disastrous blog. Hopefully I'll get better about writing often, but don't count on it.